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Re: --answer--Can't think straight...Blood Sugar Crazy...Help! - edit
grzbear Views: 3,197
Published: 18 y
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Re: --answer--Can't think straight...Blood Sugar Crazy...Help! - edit

What is your gut flora like? Keep in mind that a healthy gut flora is required to produce B vitamins and aid in absorption/use of the available energy in the food you choose to eat.

A colonic and to a lesser extent, enemas can disrupt this balance. What fermented or cultured foods do you eat regularly? If none, I would start and see how that helps. You may need to over do it for a while on the probiotics... 2 - 3 times recommended doses until you feel better and then level off to maintenance dose.

In the future, understand that ANY cleansing protocol you do requires prep work. The prep work is what takes the longest, however will prevent these types of things from happening.

For instance a liver flush used to really affect me taking a week to 10 days for my pH to stabilize. After being on alkalizing for quite a while, my pH will normalize after a flush within 18 - 24 hours.


Your symptoms also sounds like a magnesium deficiency. Perhaps you have trouble with absorption due to the above issue. Have you tried Epsom Salt Baths with some H2O2 in them?

Start out slow!


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