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--Answer--New start--Blood Sugar Crazy...Help!

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

Heart Worms?
Hulda Clark Cleanses

moreless Views: 3,047
Published: 18 y
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--Answer--New start--Blood Sugar Crazy...Help!

Hi leem9905,

Your question: Thanks for the head's up there. You're right that I have had these issues for a while. It certainly didn't start with your protocol. In fact, there are some things that have improved since I began Alkalizing.

The truth is, even if your protocol caused problems, I'd still be to blame for making the personal choice to follow it.

My intentions are soley to get help, so that I can get better and help others get better too - not to place blame. I'm sorry if my last post came off that way.

However, I have noticed some things since starting your protocol that I felt I should share and see if anyone has any advice.

I do wonder if the drink isn't a problem for folks (in the beginning) as their blood sugars become more and more stabilized. Is that common?

And, if anyone has any insight into why I had such a dramatic response to the colonic, I'd really appreciate it. My condition was livable before the colonic. Now it's totally out of hand.

Once again, I didn't mean to come off as blaming anyone. I'm here to learn and to get better. I'm sorry if I came across negatively, as that truly wasn't my intention.

Answer: "WE" all at one time or another may Lose site of what may be important in Life !

As to the question about the a person with Blood Sugars problems and the Reactions when starting the Moreless Protocol: When we are Sick and Diseased, this means that some of our Organs of our Body are not in top Correct Working order !

And when we start to supply New Electro-magnetic Energy to these Sick and Diseased Organs in the beginning, most any Reaction may take place and Cause many Different things to take place in our Bodys !

Consider the Sick organ as having to re-wire it's Electronic circuit board again to be able to function proberly and you do not have the wiring book to follow to properly wire it, thus it has to use trial and error to get everything hooked up again !

So, in this trial and error method, what happens when something may connect, which is not supposed to connect ?

Could it be possible for a fuse to Blow out ?

So, the moral of this story is that many things may happen in the process to Recovery !

Study some of the Testimonials of those who stuck with the Moreless Protocol for 6 months to 1 year before getting the major Healings to come about !

You may find that "IF" you can find some Better Quality foods to eat of a higher brix readings, than what you are eating, that you may have Less Blood Sugar problems ?

For this you will need a Refractometer to check the Lack of Quality in the foods you are eating, and to be able to find better foods to eat !

The BSM may help in the short and longer term, as it may supply some of the missing Complexed Sugars and Alkaline Minerals, which your body is missing ?

You may find that you may need to eat smaller amounts of food more often, in order for you to not Crash with Low Blood Sugar problems, and some BSM inbetween meals may help out ?

Your Adrenal Glands are too short on Natural Sodium, and they may be what may help properly Regulate your Blood Sugar levels and "IF" you find some Good Quality Kelp to take, the Kelp may help your Adrenal Glands to Rebuild so that they may help Correct the Blood Sugar problems ?

Learn to listen to what your body is trying to tell you !

And you are going to need to learn to "STOP" eating or Drinking "ANYTHING" which may Cause your Lymphatic Fluids to become too Acidic !

And these may be anything Refined and Proccessed and Hydrogenated !

Smile Tis your choice.



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