Medical Industry & Doctors
Quick comment:
"Either the medical industry knows a lot about parasites and have the tools, but play dumb and invest in stuff that will generate money, or they really dont know."
I think we need to make some distinction between "medical industry" and "doctors" even though they are clearly intertwined.
Medical Industry - The medical industry is a conglomerate that consists of the FDA, National Inst for Health (NIH), World Health Org (WHO), American Medical Assoc (AMA), etc. (some similar organizations in each country). These institutions are huge money makers and have their OWN interests for doing things.
Doctors - Many doctors become doctors because they want to "help" and are compassionate. HOWEVER, over the years of training, they are brainwashed to believe certain things. I've seen this up close as I worked with them in their training programs. Additionally, the method of "treating" a patient now is a disservice to them as practitioners and patients because the Medical Industry has trained doctors to look at the body as "parts" or "sections" rather than the ENTIRE BODY. This is extremely important, I think.
In answering your question, doctors MAY NOT KNOW what to do because they haven't been properly trained and by who?... the MEDICAL INDUSTRY!