I understand your temptation in taking the albendazole - but be careful. You have more than one issue going on. 2 years ago I was given albendazole by my private practitioner, it did not eradicate my symptoms in any way, shape or form. I was given two courses of albendazole. No real tests were carried out, he thought I was suffering an ascaris infection. He said "take these for three days", then a month or so later he gave me a further supply of albendazole, can't remember exactly how many but it was around 18 tablets over a course of days, can't remember exactly. All I know is that it put me in a whole new mess!
It didn't work for me, whether the dose and spacing between the two treatments had anything to do with it I'm not sure. For me, I felt it was a case of just try this!
It's hard when the symptoms rear their ugly head but just be careful.