Re: Will coffee enemas make you feel "ill" the next day?
Hi scry606, if you are interested in a stool test to try to determine if you or other family members may be infected, the best way is to ask for one at your doctors office. However, you can also purchase self test kits at a pharmacy and mail in your specimens.
Take a look at
for some more information and you will see that for some
parasite detection tests there are time and temperature constraints. If you buy a home test kit you can ask your pharmacist for details.
I realize this is not a pleasant topic to contemplate, but if the tests come up negative then you can relax and not worry about it. If on the other hand the results are positive, then there are treatment protocols that can generally clear them up fairly quickly.
I found what looked like a tiny slug on a California blackberry that I was about to put in my mouth yesterday. I had bought a plastic container of them in the supermarket and rinsed them thoroughly beforehand. Obviously not thoroughly enough.