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Dquixote1217: Oncologist Uses Baking Soda to Beat Cancer
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Dquixote1217: Oncologist Uses Baking Soda to Beat Cancer

What ratios are given orally?

And - what other forms of treatment is it combined with?

What is the recommended way to remove die off?


Another question for you:

If someone is suffering from metastazised cancer, and the family has never investigated natural treatments but are open, very open to the idea, what would you say is the best, easiest, low learning curve and not expensive way to go?*

Would you say trying this bicarboante (baking soda?) may be a good starting point?

Was having a passing conversation at a local restaurant, with a longtime acquaintance - and they mentioned that their father in law has been given the "there's nothing that can be done now" speech.

I mentioned - in passing - as I have become used to people not being open to the idea of natural treatments - that there may be options to try, and they appeared so open to the idea of considering and ivestigating natural therapies.

In your opininon, where could I point them to? (Print some materials, get some starting samples)

I was thinking Dr. Kelley, - but it is so confusing when there are so many protocols and so little time.

I don't want to simply say here, look into all these, as they may become discouraged at the amount of information out there.

You have done so much research, I was hoping you could narrow it down to one or two most likely choices?

Thanks for your valued opinion...

MadArt (ist)

(It was such a busy time, I did not find out the type - however believe that the liver is a part of.)

*family has limited funds.


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