You've piqued my interest with this rebirthing of the benzene baking soda issue. Have you located REAL substantiation for this claim? As I stated I am interested in finding substantiation for this claim as I hear people saying this from time to time. I also hear people mistating that aluminum is in baking soda. I know people get baking powder and soda mixed up and this misinformatiom as I was describing on the MH forum is passed along and parroted by perhaps innocent yet ignorant people.
I know the benzene claim all seems to come stem from something said by Hulda Clark. It is important to know outside of pharmaceutical/medical uses because we often use baking soda in other ways from cleansing to taking internally so if you have substantiation please come forth and do not keep it to your self if you are in posession of the REAL answers so that we also may learn.