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Re: liver flush? i thought i needed them but now my life is ruined
My 20's sucked. Do worry about turning 30. You realize once you get there you will not turn into a pumpkin after all. You may stay looking like one but as you mature you should see a reduction in your self destructive behavior, violent thoughts and nasty behavior towards yourself.
We are all the same. We all experience pain. Just because someone is slim, pretty, acne free does not mean they have no pain in their life.
I struggled every day with depression and had my hardest time around 27...and my final dark day period at 32. Now 36. i got sick of feeling the way i did and began to pay attention to my inner thoughts and to cut a long story short it is really about growing up. I mean this in the kindest way but often times if you have experienced difficulty in childhood there is a reluctance to step into your true self, your adult mind. In your 20's your are working towards your "potential"ta tremendous pressure and when you get to 30 you have already beat yourself up so many times for noy being what you think you should be you start to let go.
It is healthy to be tired. Give up the fight. Notice your inner language and i bet you have a nasty voice in there telling you what a looser you are. Get control of that voice. Be your own parent. You would not let anyone speak to your baby that way so do not allow your self to speak that way to you.
This is better than any diet. This is mental health. This will lead to contentment. Not perfection. You will always struggle with dark feelings but remember depression and anxiety are rooted in repressed anger. Give your time to help others...it stops us from obssessing on our self and the benefits are amazing.
kindest regards