Re: liver flush? i thought i needed them but now my life is ruined
This was 12 months ago so I'm not sure this is going to help, but here we go (briefly).
1) You badly need an advisor. These cleanses are not about excess, they should be used in moderation.
For example, taking epsom salts all the time will not help! It will just dehydrate you (constant bowel flushing) and make you feel bad, it's also bad for your health.
Get in contact with MH, he'll help you out
If you have the time/money, maybe even attend a 2 week camp somewhere.
The basic idea is that you need a good advisor, because you're too extreme with the regimes because you have a lack of understanding of them (sorry to be blunt).
2) The reason these cleanses are not working is most likely because of your diet. You're producing more toxins than can be eliminated.
I'm guessing you eat the normal college fair, french fries and hamburgers etc. One of the main things you have to do is prevent taking more toxins into your body, which I doubt you are doing. If you are using a microwave, stop using it, it's deadly. Stop eating TV dinners and any processed food. Don't drink any softdrinks or take anything that has aspartame in it (leads to brain fog and confusion).
I'm guessing this is the main problem. Cleanses without a proper diet won't do much.
I'd recommend a fast for you, but ONLY IF IT IS PROFESSIONALLY SUPERVISED. Seek a nutritional advisor to so a supervised fast. Don't do it alone, whatever you do.
3) I'm wondering if you did one of the most basic cleanses, for parasites. You said you did lots of liver cleanses, any results? If you have candida, ever try something that kills the candida (anti-fungal)?
I'm guessing the main problem is diet however. If you do a raw fruit diet or a (supervised!) fast, I'm sure things would change fairly rapidly for you.