Re: How Many Out There?
Just started OP'ing this week. I'm up to 3x a day. I admit, I really enjoy the taste of the oil, and how clean my mouth feels afterwards. I have no idea if I will get any health benefit. I also introduced it to my roommate, who pulls 1x/day. I use Sesame mainly, my fav, and I have some top-notch Oregano Oil coming, which I'm excited about incorporating into the routine!!!
I did notice some mild to moderate pain in my left foot for a couple of days. This pain corresponded exactly with a broken toe I had a few years ago. They say it's possible to reexperience pain from an old injury, as the body rebuilds it bigger, better, stronger, faster, like the 6 million dollar man lol. Anyway, other than that and enjoying the mouth feel, taste, and yummy oil, I really don't know what this will or might do.