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Re: ????? Re: Hmmm, yes, no, and maybe :)Re: Natural is Better
chrisb1 Views: 6,152
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 855,063

Re: ????? Re: Hmmm, yes, no, and maybe :)Re: Natural is Better

I agree with the Gerson Protocol entirely.
I was merely quoting from Doctors who had great experience with both water and juice fasting in the treatment and recovery from disease.
Dr Herbert M Shelton s view of his experience with over 30,000 fasting cases in the recovery of health, is that ANY feeding is enervating and taxing on a patients already weakened physical state: he had much more success in the cure of many diseased states with Water Fasting than any juice fasts because the powers of digestion were so diminished, that any attempt at feeding anything to a patient was usually a futile exercise; indeed in many cases the food would putrefy in the stomach and exacerbate the already diseased state of the patient. This is one reason why I think Gerson relied heavily on raw organic juices which required the MINIMUM of digestion for the patient but the MAXIMUM Nutrition.
Loss of appetite usually occurs in illness because it is natures way of saying I need the energy I use for digesting my food for more urgent needs (such as cleansing.)
Animals, both domestic and in the wild, usually refrain from any sustenance whatsoever until they are well after a period of physiological rest.

Further the Gerson protocol states the same thing...........
The detoxification therapy is predominantly and could be too much for a weakened digestion to cope with. It is not only essential that the patients ingest and digest the correct nutrients, but that they absorb them. Fresh, live juices, free of fiber, which taxes the digestive system and inhibits absorption, are taken in large volume. These are rich in enzymes (amylase, protease and lipase), which are destroyed when heated at wet temperatures higher than 45ºC/117ºF and 85ºC/150ºF with dry heat. All natural foods contain living enzymes (amylase, protease and lipase), but the fresh juices ensure absorption and do not tax the pancreas to release greater amounts of digestive enzymes. A masticating action to produce the pulp that is then pressed results in twice the nutrient value. This is vital to the weak patient who needs these enzymes to support their digestive processes otherwise gas and bloating will ensue. An inefficient juicer wastes a large quantity of the vegetables and increases costs.

In order to provide the huge amounts of nutrients required by the nutritionally depleted cancer patient for healing, a large amount of organic food needs to be consumed on a daily basis. As the digestive system is usually impaired some of this is juiced to promote maximum absorption with minimum effort. The volume of produce consumed daily amounts to about 20 lbs.


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