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Hmmm, yes, no, and maybe :)Re: Natural is Better
unyquity Views: 5,935
Published: 18 y
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Hmmm, yes, no, and maybe :)Re: Natural is Better

I beg to agree, disagree, and contemplate further.

>>Adding oil to the juice will ruin the fast because it will stimulate the digestive process.<<

I believe I would alter that statement to something similar to: "While ingesting 1-2 tablespoons of cold-pressed organic oil will divert a bit the energy obtained by juice fasting back to the digestive tract for a short period of time (until the oil is digested), it will supply the liver/body with the oil it needs and help ensure healthy 'systems operations' and adequate bile flow during the juice fast. In certain protocols or dis-ease states, this small stimulation of the digestive tract may be contraindicted, however adequate bile production is still the liver most likely will be burdened with toxins released during the fast. If oil is not option, then the utilization of cholagogue herbs to increase bile production" Ginger would be very good for this.

Other contemplation: by crushing the avocado without the pit, we have avocado oil. Hmmm, is this then, actually/technically a "juice", even though we call it "oil". Olive oil includes the pit, but avocado oil is merely 'squished fruit'.

Other contemplation: It is my understanding the the disease known as diabetes was not recorded or mentioned in medical texts until after the process of refining Sugar to 'white' was introduced. At that time only the rich had access to White Sugar , and there (in the wealthy/royalty) we see the first reports of 'diabetes'. When white Sugar became affordable to the masses, the masses also reported diabetes.

So then, is this >>>High fat rather than high carbohydrate diets are implicated in the etiology of diabetes.<<< then more true or less true?




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