Daily coffee enemas are a fantastic way to cleanse the liver, ensure that's it's cleansed & working well, and also do a really good "blood dialysis" for the time while you're retaining the fluid.
Juice fasting with organic fruits & vegetables (customized for your own body needs, of course) gives your body almost ALL the energy normally used in digestion (which is usually estimated at about 65-70% of the ENTIRE energy of the body during the time there is food in the digestive tract, so that's a LOT of energy!). PLUS the body gets a ton of vital nutrients & enzymes...to use for healing. AND THIS ALLOWS THE BODY TO UTILIZE THE POWERFUL NUTRIENTS & ENERGY, TO HEAL ITSELF EXACTLY THE WAY THAT IT KNOWS IT NEEDS TO BE HEALED (something that we can NEVER know for sure).
Separately, each are fantastic.
When used together...your body becomes a MONSTER HEALING MACHINE.