Re: enough with the overdosing
I agree with you that it would seem rather difficult to OD on iodine. From my personal experience, I seem to get some physical warnings when enough is enough. Whether they are "detox" reactions OR, my body screaming that it has enough, I do not know. I suspect that is up for debate and will leave it alone as either view has a case.
What I am relatively sure of is that the iodine, whether taken in foods (I can comfortably get between 8 and 15mg in me a day through foods assuming quality foods) or through lugol's\iodoral is absolutely essential. Given the polluted planet we live on and that I am easily third generation attacked by this chemical warfare, (our kids and their kids 4th & 5th; what chance do they have?) the
Iodine is an absolutely essential part of my defensive arsenal against the war being waged upon me.
Sadly, I know that food alone (unless extremely high end tested quality; even that is less than it would have been 100 years ago) is no longer adequate.
That is what makes me most angry... we are not getting what we are paying for at the market and must pay again to supplement. Whether we want to admit it or not "they" have ALL of us both coming and going from the second we are conceived.
Pay through the nose up front for health and sacrifice some of what we describe as a good life now... or pay for it in the end, sliding into hospice care. Makes me madashell.