Here are a few links to my previous post..I have yet to try these iodine related products..Thus if anyone has been taking them please do inform thsiForum in this thread..
on that website CLICK on MODIFILAN (Laminario Japonica) which is pure brown sea weed extract in vege caps
Also on U-Fn (fucoidan which is the concentrated caps form (and more expensive)
Another place that sells Modifilan only (?) and somawhat at a cheaper price is:
In a recent article(April 2007) in W de G [ Walter de Gruyter]scientsts discovered a cheap method of indentifying the amount of iodine/iodide ,re "Concentrations of iodide and total iodine in edible seaweeds harvested on the Galician Coast(Northwest Spain)" they basically found out that most of the iodine is present as
iodide in brown seaweed samples(90 % of total iodine),
while redseaweeds have iodide percentage lower than 30%,
and green seaweeds a percentage lower than 80 %