Re: We are already being watched......
Hello to All;
To those of you who think the REAL ID ACT is OK and there's nothing to worry about, consider this for a moment.
If the government (1) (starting under the Democrats in 1913) can claim to pass a constutionally illegal tax (Income Tax) which was NEVER passed or ratified
(2)illegally passed an illegal constitutional monetary reform amendment (Federal Reserve Act) which was required to be an amendment but was "passed" as an Act of Congress
(3)set up a fraudulent collection system (IRS) which has no statute on the books for collecting the illegal tax and actually has no authority to collect it except at the end of gun barrel (ex. IRS does NOT have the authority to place a Lien on anything, so instead they place a NOTICE of a LIEN, which if you don't dispute it, becomes interpeted to be a lien and is then enforced as one)
(4)and then both parties go along with it for over 90 years
Then what do you think is really going to stop them if they decide to require everyone to have a National ID Chip implanted in your right hand or forehead, austensiby for the sake of National Security as a result of the Orwellian WAR ON TERROR.
If the goverment takes away our rights to fight terroism, then who wins?