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Re: Concern for grandchildren
beeleever Views: 9,122
Published: 18 y
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Re: Concern for grandchildren

Yes, thank you, I did read---actually printed them off to underline parts---
the articles----anysite posted for me---I read.
I just wish, want to find some way to nullify the meaness that I know that
fellow can spread. I have experienced it and I want to prevent that for the
children....or make them wise and strong enough to know that dad just says
bizarre things sometimes ----without harming their sense of connection to
their family. I want emotional and mental bandaids that dont exist.
Maybe just having someone else in your life who can listen to the
bizarre things will help. I know the oldest one will think about things
that have been said to her and later mention them. I laugh and tell her
I have no idea why anyone would say such a thing and that she is just darling
and wonderful to be with.
I guess I am trying to "borrow trouble" as my mom used to say---but
I want to put up speed bumps to slow down the meaness.


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