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Re: Concern for grandchildren
beeleever Views: 9,108
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 839,864

Re: Concern for grandchildren

Thank you for sharing your insight. The grandchildren live with my husband and me---
and my daughter---we hope we can establish some good memories and input to counterbalance the meaness. We try to do the "family" things we did with our children. He is a good man and a peaceful man---almost the exact opposite of their dad.
I know in my life--the mean words always seem to carry longer sticking power and greater weight. Funny about that. I thought I had instilled good self esteem for my daughter. But in four or five years that fellow ripped it all away and left her
damaged and changed. She isnt on my side---she can turn on a dime on me.
She really is emotionally messed up for such an intellegent person.
It has been one of the most unbelievable bunch of traumas and dramas and emotional pits.

I am sorry for the troubled days you spent, but I am thrilled that you got your balance and understanding and peace.


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