Re: Concern for grandchildren
She has only been in therapy for 3 weeks. She avoided it. She tried to get him to go and they stopped. That counselor said he was untrenchable. The couselor is at an
abused womens center. In Texas, there is lots of talk about helping women and children--but the CPS is weak and ineffective and the laws are not created to
protect the victims, but rather the mean guys---at least that is how it seems.
I appreciate your help and all the sites. I will keep reading. I will keep learning. I was the only one who ever stood up to this sick man and he called me
so many names---I couldnt believe it. He hates me and that is fine, because I hate
the way he is and the meaness within him. I was always amazed how he could twist a story and change it to make himself the poor victim. Incredible. Never had encountered such a person before.
One of the sites mentioned just being honest with the kids, not talking down their dad, but saying "and that is why he doesnt live with us" ---just being honest
good information.