Re: Some Recommendations for you
Hi, thanks so much for your help.
I have been thinking of a liver flush, but I've asked a few people and because I'm born with only one kidney the ppl I've asked (chinese docs, natural path docs) have disagreed with me trying the flush.
I am taking a variety of supplements currently, including vitamin E, vitamin C, evening primrose oil (4000mg/day), salmon oil, a detox drop (from the natural path doc), flax seed oil...i've tried grape seed extract before but it seemed that my itching and weeping was worse, i'm not sure if it was psychological or not, but I've done a blood allergy test recently and apparently i'm allergic to grape mix.
i also eat red/jasmine rice for the B12 vitamins almost daily for my three meals.
so far nothing seems to be working, my face is weeping like crazy, i'm really worried that this will scar my face or that my face will continue to be red for the rest of my life.