10 y
Re: I'm about to commit suicide
I'm 14 years old and I feel exactly the same!
I've been heavily depressed and suicidal for about a year, I'm too paranoid to go out in case someone says something to me, my family think I'm doing this just to get a day off school but I'm really not if only they knew what I was thinking!
I have eczema on my face and I haven't left my house or went to school in days because of it.
I haven't been in school for about 4 weeks if I were to add all the days I've been of because of this up.
I've had too many different creams and tablets and none seem to work, ive even ruined the skin around my eyes from putting hydrocortisone on them constantly. I regret using it so much but my doctor says it's the only way to get it better
I'm using protopic and epaderm at the minute, but they don't really seem to be working, if you could let me know if you find something else that helps, or even jus takes the redness away?