I know exactly how you feel :(, iv had excema on my face for the past 2 years and i have no idea why or how it started but its progressivly gotten worse from when it started as a small patch on one cheek to spereading to my whole face. some days i don't even want to leave the house, i always feel selfconcious, i can't stand how i look and i don't know how anyone can like me with the way i look. although my excema isnt allways as bad as it was when i first got it my face is now permantly a terrible shade of red/pink and constnatly flakey and the sterorids and damage from the excema its self has caused my skin to age prematurely and so now i have wrinkles and all that even tho im only 21 :(, my skin looks like i could be 40 r older :'(, plus im asian so am ment to have perfect skin and whats worse is that before i got excema on my face 2-3 years ago i did have almost perfect asian skin,:(, it makes me sooo depressed i totlaly know how u feel about commiting suicide :(, although i never would but i hate living with this