Essiac Wars
I was not using "Essiac: Rene Caisse's Herbal Pharmacy" exclusively to make my points
about Dr. Brusch or anything else, but several other sources as well. I think "Herbal Pharmacy" is poorly slanted against Dr. Brusch and Elaine Alexander. See my Dr. Brusch post. 90% of sources cite Ojibwa (or Ojibway) as the Indian Tribe (and its medicinally knowledgeable tribesman) being the likely source of the woman
Breast Cancer patient's remedy for cancer. Rene
Caisse met this patient and took it from there. If you are asking ME to give you proof that it was definately Ojibwa, I would say ask someone else.
Various sources say the orginal formula from the Indian was eight herb, including periwinkle and a "mystery" herb (no one knows what that one herb was). And, it is Rene
Caisse who tested and retested the formula and distilled it down to the four herb formula. If I can find the link, I will post it. Periwinkle is used in chemotherapy today. Other sources say, the original formula was burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm bark. These are the herbs Essiac(R) uses formerly made by Resperin, now made by
Essiac Canada International. The company retains the proprietory formula. This is the company Rene
Caisse sold her formula to for $1.00. Then, other sources say Rene Caisse and Dr. Charles Brusch, during their collaboration, came up with the eight herb formula, adding small amounts of the herbs: blessed thistle, kelp, red clover, and watercress to make the four herb even more potent. Red clover is the main cancer fighter in the
Hoxsey formula. Those are the herbs used in Flor.Essence and in other eight herb blends. They are not the most expensive formulas. Essiac(R) is.
I also see
Essiac Canada International, Essiac(R), always discrediting others and scaring the public about using any other brand but their tea alone. They have the only original formula sold to them by the nurse. And, nothing else will work, as they say. Essiac(R) is sold at the highest price, and you get the least tea.
Regular people posting on CureZone have said they only achieved results with their tumors when taking a LOT of essiac, sometimes four times a day. You can search those messages under
Essiac and flor.essence as search words. I am aware of what authors Sheila Snow and Mali Klein say of the dose that Rene Caisse recommended, a low dose.
"Essiac: Rene Caisse's Herbal Pharmacy" is very dismissive of Dr. Brusch, Elaine Alexander and the Flor.Essence brand. I see that over and over again. Yet, it is the most widely available brand of essiac (or essiac-like tea) in health food stores. The same book is also more uncomplimentary to Rene Caisse than any publication I have ever seen. In the biography, CLINIC OF HOPE, there are details about a falling out between Sheila Snow Fraser (one of the authors of the HOMEMAKERS Magazine Article) and Rene Caisse. That sentiment shines through.
I do not see in sources anywhere that Dr. Brusch treated Rene Caisse as an inferior, in fact just the opposite. I think you mean Dr. Chester C. Stock of Sloan-Kettering who did not do trials as the nurse specified.
I don't think there is anything in the above posted material that necessitates you reposting it and going through it line by line picking it apart. Please observe support forum etiquette, because myself and others are attempting to heal from serious disease.
I have recently abandoned the eight herb formula and ordered an essiac blend according to Mary McPherson's recipe. I was not seeing results with the eight herb formula that I'd hoped for.