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Rene Caisse's Original Formula
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Rene Caisse's Original Formula

Essiac Preparation & Consumption

This is written to complement the message "Essiac - Natures Cancer Treatment" Here you will find instructions on how to brew, prepare and consume Essiac.


To make 1 cup of mix to brew with 2 gallons of distilled water:

Burdock root (cut) = 1/2 cup
Sheep Sorrel (powdered) = 3/8 cup
Slippery Elm bark (powdered) = 2 Tablespoons + 2 teaspoons
Turkey rhubarb (powdered) = 1 teaspoon

Approximate number of bottles of tea made, depending on water loss:

1 cup herb mix + 2 gallons of water = about 224 liquid ounces of tea , will fill fourteen 16-ounce pint bottles, or seven 32-ounce quart bottles.

1/2 cup herb mix + 1 gallon of water = about 112 liquid ounces of tea, will fill seven 16-ounce bottles, or three and a half 32-ounce quart bottles.

1/4 cup herb mix + 1/2 gallon of water = about 56 liquid ounces of tea, will fill three and a half 16-ounce bottles, or almost two 32-ounce quart bottles

Mix dry ingredients thoroughly

Measure out desired amount of dry ingredients

Pour proportionate amount of water into pot

Bring water to a rolling boil with the lid on

Stir dry ingredients into boiling water

Replace lid and boil at reduced heat for 10 minutes

Turn off stove. Scrape down sides of pot and stir mixture

Replace lid, let sit and cool un-disturbed for 10-12 hours

Reheat to steaming hot, but do not let it boil

Turn off heat and allow herbs to settle

Pour hot liquid through sieve to catch sediment

Use funnel to fill sterilized bottles, put lids on

Allow bottles to cool, then tighten lids

Store in dark cool place, always refrigerate opened bottles

Essiac contains no preservatives , discard if mold develops. "When in doubt, throw it out".

Un-opened bottles can be stored in a cool, dark place, or keep all the bottles in the refrigerator. Don't freeze Essiac or warm it up in a microwave (use hot water to dilute and warm it).

Directions for General Use:

1 fluid ounce (30 ml) Essiac tea per day, diluted in 2 fluid ounces (60 ml) hot water.

This should be sipped, preferably at bedtime on an empty stomach.
Food should not be eaten within one hour before/after drinking the tea.

As a daily tonic or to enhance the immune system:

Take half a fluid ounce (15 ml) per day, diluted in one ounce hot water.

As a Cancer Treatment:

1 fluid ounce (30 ml) Essiac tea, diluted in 2 fluid ounces (60 ml) hot water Take 3 - 4 times daily on an empty stomach. Expect detox symptoms or a "healing crisis" while your body is treating the cancer.




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