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Re: Why did Jesus make gay sheep?
sans sucre Views: 6,234
Published: 18 y
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Re: Why did Jesus make gay sheep?

Well, first you would have to believe that the Bible is the unadulterated (by man) word of God, and that it was actually Jesus/God who said gays are an abomination, rather than the men who translated/wrote the words in the book injecting their personal prejudices into it. If you were blond and there was a book out there that said all blonds were evil and needed to change, would you believe that book, or would you assume that the book was wrong, based on the fact that you know yourself, and you know you are not the evil creature the book says you are. You were born blond and are a child of God. And, you would have to believe that homosexuality is a choice that can be changed, rather than something you were born into biologically. And to ask why they don't try to get help - they don't see it as a "problem". Only those who have the belief that it is wrong have a problem with it. Hmmmmm, maybe it is they that need the help, lol!

Also wondering, how can the animal kingdom be "fallen"? According to the bible (correct me if I am wrong, please) they don't have the capability (intelligence) to willfully go against God - its the main thing that supposedly separates them from us, no?



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