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Re: Why did Jesus make gay sheep?
Corinthian Views: 6,431
Published: 18 y
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Re: Why did Jesus make gay sheep?

Yeah, probably afraid of turning gay just by reading the posting of some faggot (Am. not Br. Slang).   It is perfectly reasonable to find support for homosexuality in the Christian forum.  Many reasonable Christian sects already recognize  and perfom same sex marriages.  If this was the Fundamentalist Christian forum (which it often appears to be) then we know those people are close minded, homophobes.

"Sodomy is a graver sin than murder. – Unless there is life there can be no murder."
D. Trosch

"If you got to castrate your miserable self with a piece of rusty barb wire, do it."
F Phelps

"Not only is homosexuality a sin, but anyone who supports fags is just as guilty as they are. You are both worthy of death."
F. Phelps

"AIDS is a racial disease of Jews and Niggers, and fortunately it is wiping out the queers. I guess God hates queers for several reasons. There is one big reason to be against queers and that is because every time some white boy is seduced by a queer into becoming a queer, means his white bloodline has run out."
J.B. Stoner

3 cheers for the Love and understanding of Christian Conservatism.  HIP HIP HOORAY!


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