You asked the question and I will answer it. You are not correct on this. The vast majority of gays are born that way. I am not going to say all because with the exception of death, there are no absolutes. Being gay offers no benefits in todays (or yesterdays) society. Would you knowingly chose this "lifestyle" if it was going to make you a pariah and as looked down upon as gays always have been? How do you explain the suicides among gays who struggle with their sexuality and society's view of them? Would you have chosen to be black in America while they were still in chains and had no rights? Gays are not as oppressed as blacks were, but the fact that you can read this whole thread and see the amount of posts that are not that friendly to gays should give you a small glimpse about what is like to be gay and face millions of people out in society with that viewpoint. It is not something that I would "chose" to do.