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Re: Why did Jesus make so many gay creatures?
John Cullison Views: 6,393
Published: 18 y
This is a reply to # 803,507

Re: Why did Jesus make so many gay creatures?

I doubt anyone could ever help you with your fascination for mutilating Arab babies in the name of Jesus. You're welcome to prove me wrong, however.

Help me understand something. Weren't you leaving? I mean, that whole melodramatic bit of you deleting all your posts and renaming yourself "User X"... and yet here you are, back again. I see you learned about capitalization, though. Very nice!

Relevance? Zero. Just like your drivel.

Relevance of homosexuality to Christianity? Plenty. Keep electing closeted gay hypocrites to your highest positions, keep denouncing gays, keep claiming that they're the reason American soldiers are dying in Iraq, keep claiming that that it's a sin against nature... And the topic is relevant. Problem is, nature isn't agreeing with you, either. How can you stand being shown to be wrong so often?

Neener neener.


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