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Re: Why did Jesus make gay sheep?
Healme Views: 6,626
Published: 18 y
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Re: Why did Jesus make gay sheep?

WT is right. If gays really believe it is not their choice to to be gay but something they can't help then why don't they try and get help? I am not putting down gay people for God made us all but if he says he doesn't want that lifestyle for them do they really try and find a way to please him above their own emotions or dispostion? From what I have read they don't really because they want to be gay. Or am i not correct on this? The animal kingdom is just as fallen as this whole world. As Wt pointed out that is putting yourself in the same category with 4 footed beast. Their is a scripture about a man laying with a beast in the OT and God says that both should be put to death. Demons can enter animals as well and or use animals as well. Remember the serpent in the Garden of eden. God cursed that animal. Nature as we know it today is not the nature God intended as we are told so to use this as our guideline is not altogether wise. We are made above the animals in regards to intelligence and reasoning. Using fallen nature to justify fallen nature? Again to me its about fallen nature not Gods nature per say.

note: I could make a long list of people or groups who are coming against the values, morals and priciples of the words of God whether it be the whole secular world or religious world or even theologians, It is coming out everywhere from all different groups even using this worlds animal kingdom to prove to the world christian or not christian that they are right in their acts and beliefs and the rest are wrong. but we know we live in a fallen world and this is only a sign of the end times which most who are in these groups who are questioning and working against the words of God are the ones who don't believe in this end time for the most part.


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