Re: Deotima, question re your bread receipe
Buckwheat is gluten free. Buckwheat is not a true cereal as it is not a member of the grass family, instead being related to sorrels and docks. If you look at docks closely, you can see that the seeds, though smaller, have the same distinctive triangular shape.
100g of buckwheat provides 11.7g protein, 3.9mg iron and it is very high in calcium with 114mg per 100g. Available raw the seeds are greenish-pink, or roasted (known as kasha) the seeds are darker reddish-brown. It can be cooked (1:2 parts water for 6 minutes, leave to stand for 6 minutes) and served like rice or you can add it to stews and casseroles. Buckwheat flour can be added to cakes, muffins, pancakes etc. where it imparts a distinctive flavour. Look out too for buckwheat spaghetti, soba.
Some people in israel confuse the two. Are you an israeli?
The buckwheat and spelt are not the same.
Buckwheat is ha'adamah. Spelt is ha-motzi. At least that's how we hold in my home.
Unlike buckwheat, spelt (Triticum spelta) is a true grain with a flavorful nutty taste. It is an ancestor of wheat, which means that spelt does contain gluten and is off-limits to those on gluten-free diets.
Despite it’s name, buckwheat is NOT related to wheat at all !!!