Re: also have noticed..
The body needs a certain ratio of Calcium to Magnesium and then these to a certain ratio between the Sodium and Potassium in order to stay Healthy !
These are All Alkalizing !
So, when you have enough Sodium in the correct ratios to the other Alkaline Minerals, then it does not take as much of say, the Calcium, because now the Sodium is Helping to Neutralize some of the Excess Acids and allowing the Calcium to do it's job Better and thus the body does not need as much Calcium any more !
The problem of you seeming to get Leg and Feet aches when taking as much Calcium as you did before taking more Sodium, may be related to how this combination effects the Protein Isotope in the body !
It is not easy to explain, so when you learn what works Best for your body, then follow it to Solve your problems !
Smile Tis your choice.