Re: candida diagnosis and die-off questions
Hi Dylan,
Thanks for all the information! It's a place to start at eliminating candida.
I have been administering regular enemas for over a year now, and yearly i have a full
colonic at a local clinic. If i could afford more i would go more regularly! I find enemas offer so much relief and bring about more energy in me. I don't like to do them too regularly because i found my bowels get lazy and rely on the enemas. If i don't have at least 2 bowel movements a day i know that my system is sluggish. I went through a time when i had regular bowel movements to the point of setting my watch by them! It was around 2 years ago, and i was mainly eating raw foods back then.
I couldn't possibly consider eating meat or dairy any more. I gave up meat when i moved out of home at 16 because through childhood i was forced to eat it, and always hated the taste and texture. It is possible to get all the nutrients needed from a vegan diet...having researched complete proteins and essential fats for 2 years before taking the leap to veganism so i wasn't depleting my system of any essentials. Quinoa for example is a complete protein containing all 9 essential amino acids. So to have that in a meal is easy for a vegan. Most of the time i mix foods that contain the amino acids for protein intake so that i get a complete protein from all of the foods combined. For fats i consume coconut, flax oil, olive, palm oil..the list is endless. I'm finding that giving up dairy has helped with the gas i was experiencing through bloating, and my skin is clearer.
Thanks for the advice to go slow with the candida program. I get all excited and tend to gallop into cleanses! I have read through this forum about the die-off symptoms and really don't want to be bowled over by them. I'm working full time at the moment to save money so i can move to a place i have bought in the irish wilderness. A place where i can grow my own food and enjoy nature more, i have been dreaming of wilderness cleanses for years!
I will tweak my diet more first then start with herbal, bacteria additions.
I didn't take the probiotic, Pau D'arco and Echinacea and goldenseal yesterday and have not had a headache today (so far). I'm wondering if one of those is giving me migraines? I will reintroduce them one by one to test them out.
Thanks so very much for your advice :-)