thank you so much for your encouragement. This lady actually wasnt even a senior citizen,she was younger. I feel bad for her. Everytime that I help people out with their full carts,I always insist that I help them put their groceries in their car. Their like "no thats fine" a lot of times and I go "no,its fine really!!!!" and its cool. lol. 90% of time it is old seniors. Other times its not.
My burden for teens is more like...a counsellor or whatever. I'd love to help drug addicts or suicidal teens especially. I watched a christian video today called "I Need You To Love Me" by a christian group called Barlowgirl and i kinda just sat there with tears and said,"I wanna do this" and so yea. Nothing more id like to see then teens be on fire for God or give their addictions and troubles up. My dream is to one day have an outreach program for teens and young adults. Maybe a building to meet in as well. that is all I want to do in life..ive been lonely..ive gone years without friends and I know what its like..
I hope to find a different job when I get there hopefully. Out of the bad mental and physical environment. Not to mention all the food..