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kathryn101 Views: 2,650
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 756,041


hopinso...You are such a kind and gracious person, to be so willing to help
others when you are in such pain yourself. Just don't let the fuss budgets that
hang around curezone get you down. You have posted many informative and helpful
posts on curezone. And many, many people are grateful for your help and

It was so nice of you to post and encourage Kevin when you're having such a hard
time yourself right now. I have a feeling that when Kevin gets to Oklahoma
his whole life is going to turn around for the better. And I feel like a big
improvement for you is right around the corner, also. So just hang in there. :-)

It's been a very long and busy day, and my brain is scrambled. But I'm going to
send you an email early in the morning. I want to help 'you' if I can. And I
really feel that I can.

But in the mean time, I just wanted to say, "thanks for being the kind hearted
person you are". And remember...."If someone can discourage you...THEY win!"
I'll email early tomorrow...and I hope to hear back from you. kathryn



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