Re: ugh.. dr clark on pets.
hi, 47229,
I also have gotten fluke worms- and they are soooo easy to pick up that it's not fair for your parents to blame your dog.
Did you know you can get them just from not thoroughly washing your garden veggies/fruit- especially if you have slugs and snails in your yard?
Slugs and Snails carry the fluke larvea.
Your parents cant go around blaming you or your pet for every illness they get. A person can't live in a plastic bubble. We live in a World where
parasite eggs are all over the place. Keeping the immune system strong is the best defense.
Sanitation is the next best defense-- and then deworming on a Maintenance basis -- including for pets and humans. If your dog has worms, the poor dog could have gotten the worms FROM HUMANS! animals are often infected by humans.
Deworming both you and the dog will solve that-
keep your apartment/house clean from dust and wash your hands before serving your dog food- as well as after handling your dog. Dont let your dog sleep in bed with you- but place a nice warm bedding for him/her and keep her nearby where you sleep so he/she feels close to you without feeling isolated.
There's no need to get rid of the dog if you take these precautions and do maintenance deworming on periodic basis.
Hulda Clark has to get extreme in her articles for extreem cases. I think there's room for some flexibility however.