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lisag Views: 2,361
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 75,263

Thank you!


Eboni.... what a beautiful name! I like it so much I'm going to remember it. That's a really nice spelling Eboni with an i.

You and your pet deserve many happy years together. If you ever get the notion of giving her away in the future, please keep my email handy and write me - any day, any month, any year. I'll do my best to talk you out of it. I truly mean that.

It is obvious that you love her, and giving her away would only make both of you miserable - cuz if you love her that much, then she loves you that much too. And since there was no problem to begin with, it wouldn't solve any problem! Giving your dog away wouldn't even make your parents happy - my guess is they'd find something else to nag you about. Your dog is their scapegoat here, nothing more. (I'm sure your parents will be feeling better soon :)

I've had to stop writing this note at times cuz my cat, Slugger, is sitting on the keyboard- giving me special, bacteria ridden, kitty kisses. And I'm enjoying every one. :)


P.S. Actually I have to thank you for writing your note. Dr. Clarks messages about how pets are the carriers of parasties, and how we should all get rid of them, always bothered me. but I never could put my finger on why. Your note clarified the whole situation for me. Any protocol which espouses fear - fear of parasites, absolutes of things - like throw the whole pet out - is NEVER the way out of ANYTHING. it is destined to failure, because any protocol based in fear is never true. (Same thing with the church actually. Fear is never the answer, and fear is at the basis of why belonging to one church as opposed to another or none at all is such a big deal.) The only things that are really true are the unifiers, - like your love, for your dog. That love is a true thing.



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