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Re: It's a sad day today
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Re: It's a sad day today

Well, let me be total honest about this situation. I have been setting boundaries for my parents for years now. As long as I have limited exposure to them, they respect them. As soon as we spend more time on the phone or I go up and visit, they try and take liberty at telling me how they feel my life should go. When I tell them (in as nice a way as I can) that they are overstepping their bounds, I become, in their eyes, resistant and rebellious. What makes this situation worse is that my father is a minister and finds EVERY opportunity to let me know if I had chosen to settle down and marry a certian person who went to their church, I wouldn't have any problems right now and my life would be great. BS!!! I can't stay on the phone with him for longer than 10 before he starts preaching to me. I usually find a way to end the call but, I resent being put into the spot where I have to choose between my "baby" or my parents.

In the past, I have gone through long stints of limiting their exposure to me because of this sort of negative vibe I get. It's just sad that my dad has never learned to accept and love me or my brother unconditionally and probably never will at this stage of the game and it just hurts.

Anyway, I hear what you're saying, just needed to hear back from someone who was a dog lover than a hater.



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