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sad day today - sounds fishy to me
lisag Views: 2,419
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sad day today - sounds fishy to me


Congratulations on dealing so honestly with a tough parental situation. My parents are into control too and I have stayed away from them as well. But they DO know better then to say its my cats or me. They know who I'd chose :)

Some things strike me about the physicality of this -

1) what makes your parents think that your dog is the cause of their illnesses? Were you telling them about you dog's worms and they just assumed that their illness followed? It doesn't sound connected - if they had contracted parasites, the parasite colony would take awhile to grow after being infected. It might take so long for the parasites to multiply that your parents would never connect their symptoms to your dog's worms (alleged worms), even if it were true.

2) why do you think your pet has more worms than you do, and that you can catch worms from them? i know that this the popular concensus i.e.Clarkia, but... Dogs are made to put their heads in the dirt to sniff - that's how they're built. Nature wouldn't have left them with this character trait, and without a built-in way deal with the little crawlies that might be inside that dirt.

4) in addition to all the well known herbs, there are 2 water products that are supposedly helpful with getting worms/ parasites out of the body....

Feeding your dog healthy food - food without meat by-products would allow his own system to combat any parasites better.

I have lyme disease. I'm quite sure that my cats also have lyme disease. I don't think I got it from them - I think we all got it directly from ticks. I guess what i'm trying to say is that we all have access to parasites, and its up to us to shore up our own bodies- do the research, do the work - to get rid of them. Your dog isn't going to be the maker or breaker here. I love all animals - keep her! :)

I think you are doing great with a tough parental spot.




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