Re: Coming from experience
since the biblical aspect of this issue is often abused, i will mention the other two perspectives that i have of this issue.
we all have free will. i will never, ever believe a person is born gay. there are a myriad of factors that can influence a person in this direction. the more socially acceptable it is, the more of these influences abound. i can tell you that most men have gotten horny involving a guy. most think the worst of themselves for it and repress it and get defensive about it. these are the homophobes that gay people relish in pointing fingers at and calling them closet gays. to have deep affection for one of the same sex is normal and healthy. to eroticise this affection is unhealthy, both emotionally and physically(spiritually, too, but that has already been discounted by you). there is just not enough acceptance of displays of affection between men and are often frowned upon, even in the straightest of circumstances. my friends learn right away that their hand is not enough. if i like someone, i greet them with a hug. in a different society they would get a kiss too, but i dont push it.
i have also seen the most effeminate men who are straight, married and with children. i am talking about pastel wearing, limp wristed, lisping so bad they give you a shower to talk with you and straight as an arrow. in fact, i must give some kind of signals off, i guess, because i have been hit on many times in my life, especially when i was younger.
another aspect of this is nature. it speaks for itself, yet some people try to twist it and point to any little abberant behavior in a species as saying this is natural. i will tell you when same sex erotica is normal - when the population is under adverse pressures due to overpopulation. the stress of living this way invites all kinds of behavior which helps people cope, like drug addiction and anti-social behavior. it also doesnt help that we are inundated with plant and chemical estrogens in our food and environment, causing a lot of hormonal imbalance.
i have it on some very good sources that most gay guys like girls, but they do not want to admit it. and that the choice to be gay is not one of necessity, but one of convenience. i see it as a personality disorder, much akin to narcissism. i believe the homosexual male is not born, but certainly is created long before the age of accountability(12). this gives the impression that the person is born this way. it is an understandable condition, but it is not a healthy one. i believe it was a mistake to take homosexuality out of the DSM.
i am of the opinion that one only has those rights that they extend to others. i do not wished to be chastised for exercising my free will, so i dont chastise others for theirs. peoples sex lives are really none of anyone elses business.
as a parent, i have a huge problem with the conversation in america right now about homosexuality. the entire subject invites only one thing - sex. and as far as i am concerned, this sexual conversation is taking indecent liberties with children, and that is a crime.