Re: Lime-Answer From The Expert
The GOAL of every cleanse is the removal of LIME and Aluminum, just try fasting 18 hours a day via the 1 meal diet and most of the day you will have a white tongue, which indicates you have a white stomach and a white liver as these elimination organs take advantage of not being stuffed with poisons and do their job by expelling LIME and the other poisons. Medically it has been written that the average person has 900X too much of this deadly rock and I see zero reason to doubt them, to add more is suicide.
Lime is so widely used in commerical foods, it is insane to even consider adding more to the diet. I have a tape that the second smartest MD in OHIO that aids in getting medical laws changed in the USA, gave me some years ago by a scientist. This scientist is an expert in getting more oil out of oil wells and if I rememebr correctly it has to do with the use of lime liek that which is in cows milk, etc. Anyway, the tape ends up being allot of scientific info on lime and such things that you don't get oil when you press out corn, etc. The oil expert knows where your corn oil and canola oils come from and it AIN'T from a plant! Good old Crisco is king of such refinded oils.
In this tape, he explains why we have so much lime and talks about a mouse experiment they did to remove ALL of the ROCK LIME from these mice. He said literly these experimental mice excreted the lime from their bodies and their skin had to be cut off their bodies and out emerged BRAND NEW looking mice, ALL of their AGE left their bodies via the deadly LIME.
Dr. John R. Christopher was one of the BEST, he condemed all of the vitamins, all the false oils and NEW ALL ABOUT Calcium and HUMAN HEALTH. I will put his news letter up on the teachers web site soon. YOU DON'T CONSUME LIME, YOU DO WHAT YOU CAN to use what you already have and put the rest down the toilet.
The lime issue is not worth even debating, it is too foolish and one sided to debate.