Projectus Shapus
"Hmmm...but surely it can be purely my thoughts or your thoughts that has created the madness of the world. It's the thoughts of all that has over time shaped reality, different for each but in all the same."
Exactly what I was saying. It is our thoughts that create our realities.
The real truth is infinite potentiality. To suggest a truth related to a script would mean there is some master plan. This would also suggest there is a planner other than us. This would also create a built in seperation. There isn't. It's all about experience. The question is do we want a harmonious or a negative experience both individually and collectively.
Suffering is a choice. Pain is not sufferning. Pain is like a blinking dashboard light. It is saying take notice. This is incoherent with harmony. To use thoghtforms anquored in a suffering energy, will ensure the projection of more "props" that justify the projection loop. We will attrract the experience that rises out of our thinking.
Define easy life ;-)
This is all relative depending on your filters and conditioning. One person's "easy life" may be another's hell and these are all based on thoguht forms and choices, no underlying absolute truth. Even concepts of good and evil are contrived and not absolute.
Again the only truth is...infinite potential. Our expereince shines forth from that and is shaped by us.