Re: Outdated customs -- Tithing
Believe what you choose and twist what you choose.
Are any of my accusations about scripture false? Let's take a look.
Scripture would have us believe that insects have four legs -- but they don't. Leviticus 11:20-23
Scripture would have us all ignorant of the existence of a city in Lebanon called Tyre -- yet there it is. Ezekiel chapter 26
Scripture would have us believe in a wrathful God whose impotence has no better illustration than that the wrath can be quelched by the rituals of priests. Numbers chapter 16, especially 16:46, where a well-placed censer is all it takes to stop a plague sent from God.
Scripture would have us believe that a proper punishment for calling a man "baldy" is to be mauled to death by bears. Two Kings 2:23-24. Jesus really does delight in the mutilation of children, doesn't he?
Scripture would have us believe that God frequently wants his followers to commit genocide. Where to begin with this one? Pick a chapter! Always with the punishing wickedness. Always with the "do what I say, or I shall kill you" love'n'light. What became of the Amalekites? The Jebusites? The Midianites? Numbers Chapter 31 is always a winner in my book.
Scripture would have us believe that women are property. Likewise, where are women treated as anything but property? Can't teach men, to blame for every evil in the world, so many wives possessed by ancient men, etc., etc., etc. Try Numbers chapter 31 again, wherein God (allegedly) commands the Israelites to slay all the men, and all the boys, and all the women who might be pregant, but to keep all the virgins (i.e. young girls, little girls) for themselves.
Scripture would have us believe that the only way to restore the garden is to destroy it utterly. Try reading Revelations, and looking at what Christians are supporting in the Middle East. They've been seeing Revelations happen since the formation of Isreal and Real Soon Now that Jesus is coming back for, oh, fifty-eight years of bloodshed and violence in the Middle East, courtesy of the state of Israel.
Real winner of a deity you guys follow. THIS is what you think God is or ever was?