I agree that the doings and sayings of Christians are often scrutinized to a degree that exceeds the criticism of most other faiths. For me (a seeker) the reason is because (as far as I am aware) Christianity is the only religion that is actively seeking to convert. The Jews would prefer one NOT convert, and in fact make it rather difficult to do so, and there are no Muslims, Hindus or what have you standing on street corners trying to bring folks in, saying that the only way to God's graces is through their particular religion. If any religious group is trying to convert me, they better have their ducks pretty much in a row. The implication of perfection (which of course no one can live up to regardless, be they Christian or any other faith) comes from the insistance that there is only only one way, the Christian way, so as someone who is contemplating the return to Christianity, I do look at the leaders and practitioners of the faith to show me a life I should want to aspire to. Perhaps if Chistians in general were a bit more accepting and embracing of their fellow man, fellow man would be less critical of Christianity.