Re: Outdated customs -- Tithing
About the homosexuality thing, it's a hard thing to debate because, personally, it doesn't bother me, but from what I see in the beginning of Romans, it bothers God. (emphasis added)
This is what I don't quite get about you. You speak of knowing God, loving Him and worshipping Him and living His will, and yet you keep refering to a book to tell you what to think about God.
Why not, oh, I dunno... just commune with God?
I don't get how people can say they are getting to know God, or God speaks through them (not that you've said this), or whatever else it is, when the only thing they can fall back on is quoting scripture to prove what they think or to tell them what God is or wants -- a scripture that is provably a political document, embodied in which is a lot of evil done in the name of all that is good.
I mean, you take bits of scripture that you clearly don't agree with, and you intentionally disobey them. But when it comes to the stuff that doesn't matter to you... you follow scripture...? Is that the mechanism by which you cleave the truth from the lies? If it evokes a response in you, then it's wrong, but if it doesn't, then you defer to the written word?