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Re: Outdated customs -- Tithing
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Re: Outdated customs -- Tithing

First of all, I don't "take bitS" (plural) of scripture, tithing is the only issue in question, and I mentioned "percieved" command to tithe, meaning that if other people perceive a COMMAND to show love with their finances or receive a return of blessings in exchange for their finances, or structure their giving in any way in order to express devotion, then they have been misled by the institutional hierarchy because the hierarchy is in the unenviable position that they must consider the finances of their institution. Sadly, I find that society in general (overall) does need moral guidance, but because of human nature (the flesh, natural limitations), society, with it's many segments, is simply incapable of governing itself properly, therefore, a hierarchy is somewhat necessary and should be tolerated. The hierarchy, just like everything else, does need financial support, but it should not become a "TREASURE" (Matthew 6:21, "For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also", my treasure is not of this world or it's institutions). It is their right to ask for financial support (1 Corinthians 9:12, "...Nevertheless, we have not made use of this RIGHT...", The Lord COMMANDS, but it's our choice whether or not to IMPOSE [verse 14] that command on each other). So, the issue of tithing becomes an issue of MAN'S commandment of God's edict. God did command financial support of ministry, but MAN has the option of not imposing it on each other. We can freely give, but the imposition of a certain amount (tithe) is caused by MAN'S greed and indifference to each other, not caused by GOD.

I don't bind myself to scripture, I bind myself to a personal relationship to The Lord (Jesus does bring freedom). Whenever anyone speaks of law, commands, judgement, wrath, or scripture and it's guidelines for their devotion, I am at a disadvantage. I do not recognize LAW (in my devotion) because my devotion is based on love (for God and fellow human being). I recognize that many others do base their devotion on LAW (as long as their strict compliance of the law is accompanied by a contrite heart, it will be acceptable to The Lord because The Lord looks at the heart), but my SENTIMENTAL heart demands warm sincerity and I have chosen "A MORE EXCELLENT WAY".

(that God may be everything to everyone, 1 Corinthians 15:28)
We must base our PERSONAL relationship/devotion on our idiosyncracies.

I don't believe there is a STANDARD devotion.


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