Re: The tests are in - not good
for every single year that you have used medications to artificially lower your cholesterol levels, you need at least 3 -6 months of cleansing to undo the neagtive effects of medications, to allow your liver to heal itself, (suppose you are also on a better diet (no
preservatives , no
food additives ) and better lifestyle (walking every day) during all that time).
If you have been using lipitor for 2 years, then it will take you at least 6 months of strict diet and cleansing, (or up to one year if you are not as strict) ... to heal your liver, and to reverse the damage done by medication.
If you are older then 60, it may take you double as long.
While medications are great in making liver tests look great, what is really happening behind the scenes is what you just discovered with the 3 months beaing off and then taking the blood test:
"Cholesterol 236 with a very high LDL percentage. Glucose, iron, red blood cell count, hemoglobin, hematocrit - all above their normal range."
Your condition at the present time is not caused by bowel and liver cleaning, it is the picture of the condition of your liver caused by years of poor diet, poor lifestyle and years of abuse of lipitor.
If I were you, I would have tried at least one year, and I would have tried harder.
Assuming that 3 months of cleaning is enough to undo the damage done by 30 or 40 years of wrong lifestyle and several years of using medications ... sorry ...
that was a wrong assumption.
If you really value you health, you would take the direction of improving diet, improving lifestyle and continuing cleansing ... and you will see what happens with the blood numbers in one year.
Your liver is unhealthy, most likely because of many years of poor diet and poor lifestyle ... try to eliminate all industrially processed foods ... that is the way to go.
preservatives and
additives in foods including
table salt , sugar, margarine,
taste enhancers .... fried foods ... are killing you slowly!
You are most likely digging your grave with your teeth.
We all do ... just some of us are digging faster then the others ... :-)
Best of health