Re: Hormone related acne
Acne is essentially hormone related. This is why it doesn't matter what "type" of
Acne you have for Spiro, an anti androgen, to help you. This is rarely a real answer to the problem. If you have a diagnosed hormonal imbalance, an excess of androgens, then herbs and things like that can help. The best thing and what you want the most is for your body to naturally balance its hormones and deal with them in an efficient manner. You've already looked into the role of the liver in disabling toxins and filtering hormones so that they do not continue to recirculate in the blood, causing imbalances. It's not so much about
Liver Flushing and taking herbs because these are only secondary problems. The real problem, the root cause, is that for your liver to function and in fact for every living cell in your body to function you need magnesium. Every person's body has a different tolerance level for the amount of available free magnesium. Because magnesium is not stored in the body, and is crucial for survival, our bodies go into crisis mode when available, free magnesium drops below a certain level...the level at which your particular body, because of your particular evolution, is prepared to accept before crisis, survival measures. In people with acne, the crisis is dealt with that way. Other people develop diabetes (insulin resistance). Because insulin requires magnesium in transport, the body is going to selectively deactivate insulin sensitivity, to protect itself from death. If the body continued to be insulin sensitive, with the small amount of magnesium the person is taking into their diet, it would die.
So you would think the answer would be to eat more magnesium rich foods. This is half of it and in fact magnesium rich foods have been documented as preventing diabetes. What must be done is to get rid of magnesium antagonists. Milk and dairy products are magnesium antagonists. Every unhealthy thing you ingest requires magnesium to be dealt with and places a further burden on reserves. Everything on this list must be eliminated:
Refined grains
Denatured grains
Dairy products (including probiotics and soy products with dairy)
alcohol, drugs, medications
heated (cooked or hot pressed) oils
hydrogenated oils
refined oils
cane sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners
cooked eggs (raw is ok)
inorganic meats, luncheon meats, pork, and beef
bad supplements
It never fails to cure acne.