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Vitamins & Enema
justmarvin Views: 4,191
Published: 21 y
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Vitamins & Enema

First do what you can for what you are able to afford. I would get a Juicer. I mean if you want vitamins, juice veggies--that, I believe is the most bioavailable, potent vitamin source there is. And it isn't that costly. What IS IMPORTANT is that you need to be consistent. Consistency is key to anything. If you want to master the piano, you can't expect to master it in one day--you have to consistently practice the piano. They say, practicing DAILY for 20 minutes, is BETTER than practicing for one day for like 7 hours! Same principle applies with your health, get a consistent dose of VITAL nutrients DAILY and you'll be well on your way to lasting health--and that includes your acne.

Juice! Juice! Juice! And next if you can afford to get the vitamins I recommend then GET THEM. Work with what you can. First I would recommend you get these vitamins in order of priority:

Essential Fatty Acids (Omega 3, 6, 9 LIQUID blend)
Zinc (Opti Zinc)
Probiotics (Garden of Life is recommended)

Multi-vitamin? Get bee pollen and royal jelly from

Then get the other vitamins I recommended. The vitamins I recommended work synergistically--thus making the efas, zinc, etc. more effective. Take vitamins with a meal.

Now for the enema... I haven't personally done the enema. The purpose of the enema is to clean the bowels. Doing this prior to and after a Liver Flush will make your flush more effective. That is another area of research. BUT you don't want to jump right into the Liver Flush right away. First you want to optimize your diet, then do the bowel cleanse, and then after that you might be able to handle the Liver Flush with or without the enema.



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