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Re: bcbodybuilder............
  Views: 3,362
Published: 20 y
This is a reply to # 66,884

Re: bcbodybuilder............

My word, I just can't thank you enough for all the advice. I had no idea you
were writing a book. But I could tell you sounded like someone who really knew
what you were talking about.

Wouldn't you like to have a 60 year old who has been trying to lose the same 20
pounds for 40 years for your book? As an example of how successful your program
can be, even for those who have tried for years to lose weight and could not?
You could email weekly advice to me, I could email weekly updates to you. :-)
This could be very good for both of us.

As an added bonus, I'm not 'famous' like you must be, but I am very well
known in our area. And everyone and their dog knows I have been trying to lose
this same 20 pounds for 40 years. It has become a community joke. EVERYONE
knows I start some kind of diet every Monday morning. And everyone tells me
I'm crazy, that I don't need to lose weight, but for me...I do. I don't want
'muscles', but I do want to lose whatever I need to lose to make me look healthier,
stronger, and more 'fit'.

Motivation, I don't need. I'm an independent motivational counselor and writer.
I'm happy, hyper and very optimistic all the time. Perhaps I could help YOU with
the motivational part of you book. Even our newspaper editor says my articles
are always 'excellent' and I have a way of writing 'down to earth' in a way he
has never seen.

I wish we could email, one on one. I'll open my email below. Feel free to email
me if you want to. But regardless, thanks for all the advice above. I have no
access to a personal trainer, but I will certainly study your post and see what
I can do. Hope to hear from you by email. Thanks loads! Lee


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