Aye, I'm glad my parents have a little homestead. I feel so much better about having my little girl on goat's milk than that nasty toxic formula! (I only wish I had known that at the time I put her on it--I was so ignorant :() My parents share their fresh eggs and organic produce from the garden with us too, it really is a blessing. Next year we'll be trying a garden, but I don't know if we can ever keep chickens. There are so many foxes, raccoons, and skunks around here it is unreal! I wonder if they like to eat the squirrels we are overrun with?? :) Apparantly not though or the population wouldn't be so high...We had such a small crop of pecans this year that the squirrels got to what little there was before we did. Last year I had more than I could handle. Um, I love nuts! Probably because I am one, lol :)